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The Latest

”City Notes with iPhone” just published in Press II Pause, Volume 9: two ”snapshots” in images and prose of a longview take on transnational living  read at this link


About this book

Observations of contemporary life that make monkeys of us: this existential disbelief thrums through speculative stories and essays in Xu Xi's latest collection. These 16 short pieces, evenly divided between fiction and nonfiction, are in turn elegiac, satiric, darkly comic, lyrical, even confessional in tone, and traverse the inequities and abuse of power in sex, politics, race, history, culture, and language across a disquieting transnational terrain. Prepare to be disturbed, enlightened, and maybe even entertained. • FREE EBook sampler can be downloaded from this link


Watch a live video recording of Xu speaking about her new book in NYC at the AAARI City University of New York (March 24, 2023).  Includes short readings from four selections.  Recording at this link.

Interview with Xu Xi at Lisa Haselton's blog.

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Recent New Work

The Art and Craft of Asian Stories: A Writer's Guide and Anthology by Robin Hemley & Xu Xi




Fiction Remix” a chapter from her memoir-in-progress The Work Book, appears in the latest issue of New England Review (Vol 43.1). An excerpt was featured at LitHub, click here to read “Xu Xi on Living the Transnational Life”


Teaching Creative Writing in Asiaed. Darryl Whetter includes Xu's essay ”Compromised Tongues: That Wrong Language for the Creative Writing We Teach in Asia”


A recent issue of West Trestle Review republishes Xu's 2001 story “Democracy” that is surprisingly prescient for the state of democracy in the world today.


“2016: The Political Year” new “shaggy fiction”chapter from a novel-in-progress Memories of You named a Glimmer Train finalist, July 8, 2017


The Writing Race Asian American Literary Review essay “Speak No Evil” response to MFA vs. POC, Jan 11, 2015



An essay reflecting on Hong Kong today "永久性香港 Forever This Hong Kong" at First Person with Michael Judge

All About Skin

Edited by Jina Ortiz & Rochelle Spencer, with a foreword by Helena Maria Viramontes, this exciting new anthology is, according to Pulitzer fiction author Junot Diaz, "electrifying and absolutely necessary." Xu’s work is the title story and the volume features twenty-seven stories by women of color. Published in November, 2014 by the University of Wisconsin press.

All About Skin was named a Ms. Magazine 2014 must-read feminist book of the year.